The National Investigation Agency (NIA) charged four individuals involved in a transnational organ trade racket operating under the guise of medical tourism in Nedumbassery, Kerala. The accused are Sabith Korukulath Nasar, Sajith Shyam, Bellamkonda Ram Prasad, who have been arrested, and Madhu Jayakumar, who is currently absconding. They face charges under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
The investigation revealed that the accused exploited vulnerable individuals by inducing them to donate organs for money, which were then trafficked to foreign countries. They targeted prospective organ donors through agents and social media, deceiving them with financial incentives. The gang also charged Indian patients approximately Rs. 50 lakh to facilitate organ transplants in Iran, falsely assuring them that organ trade was legal there. Additionally, the accused forged government documents and used fake seals and signatures to support their illegal activities.
The NIA, which assumed control of the case from the Nedumbassery Police on July 3, 2024, continues to investigate the matter.