Priyanka Chopra (Priyanka Chopra) may have turned to Hollywood but Indian fans are always eager to know the news related to her. Ever since Priyanka made the announcement about her daughter Malti Marie, fans wanted to see her daughter. Now finally Priyanka has shown the daughter’s face to everyone. On Monday, Nick Jonas and his brothers received the ‘Hollywood Walk of Fame Star’ award. During this function, Priyanka introduced her daughter to everyone.
In the past, when Priyanka Chopra shared some photos on Malti’s first birthday, everyone wanted her to show the daughter’s photo. There was excitement among everyone to see Malti’s face. In such a situation, Malti’s first public appearance was on Monday. During this, Malti was wearing a cream sweater and matching shorts with a white top. These photos of Malti are now becoming increasingly viral on social media.