Sometime back reports surfaced that Vaani Kapoor is being cast for Mardaani 2 director Gopi Puthran’s next. It was also reported in the news that Gopi Puthran is going to make a crime thriller film in which Vaani Kapoor will be seen in the lead role. And now THE TIME PRESS has got the latest update regarding this film. We hear that Vaani is all set to start shooting for director Gopi Puthran’s crime thriller film.
From the sources we came to know that, “Vaani is very excited about this film. As soon as she heard the script of this film, she immediately agreed to do it. Not only this, Vaani has also started preparing for her character in this film.
Further the source also disclosed that, “Vaani will start shooting for this project from this March in Lucknow. Presently the pre-production work is going on. However, the official announcement of other star cast and other details of the film is yet to be made. The film will be produced by Yash Raj Films whose official announcement is yet to be made.”