Jamshedpur, July 24, 2024 –

Speaking to the villagers, Dr. Utpal Murmu, the In-charge Medical Officer at the Community Health Center said this was the time to act and treat leprosy right from the early stages. “Leprosy can be prevented if the patient with the disability was detected early and treated,” said Kilim Trash.
The training session was conducted by District Leprosy Consultant Dr Rajiv Lochan Mahato who gave detailed information about the signs, types and treatment of leprosy and the possible disabilities that can be acquired. Dr. Rajeev also informed all that the Leprosy Patient Search Campaign-2024 will be from August 28, 2024 to September 13, 2024. In this campaign, groups of Sahyas and male workers and other volunteers will visit the households in the locality in search of suspected leprosy cases.
Dr. Murmu added that anyone with a mark on the body together with a feeling of cold should go for check-up. To which he explained that leprosy treatment is free in all government health centers and, if given early, it cannot result in disability.
Besides, Dr. Rajeev gave brief information regarding the Disability Prevention and Medical Rehabilitation (DPMR) and also the objective of the centre in Secondary Level Referral. Leprosy management for self care session was delivered by MPW Prabir Mandal to the patients of Maktampur Block.
The following personalities of the camp were contributed by BTT Shyam, MPW Prabir Mandal, Maheshwar Munda, Manik Barla.