Saket court of Delhi has issued a summon to Dhruv Rathee and a few others on a defamation suit filed by Suresh Karamshi Nakhua, the spokesperson of Bhartiya Janta party ( bjp) in Mumbai he stated that Dhruv Rathee has referred him as being a part of “violent and abusive trolls“ in the video titled “My reply to Godi youtubers, Elvish Yadav “. The video as of the date of filing of the captioned case, has got 2,41,85,609 views which are increasing minute by minute.
District judge Gunjan Gupta issued the summons in the defamation suit against Dhruv Rathee, the judge said “ Issue summons of the suit and notice of the application u/o 39 1 and 2 CPC to the defendants, subjects to step by all modes that are PF & RC /speed post /
approved courier including electronic mode for 06.08.2024” the court said in its order.
Plaintiff Suresh Karamshi Nakhua said that Dhruv Rathee claimed that Prime Minister Modi has hosted violent and abusive trolls like Ankit Jain, Suresh Nakhua and Tajinder Bagga at his official residence. The suit also stated that in the video violent tendencies are attributed to the plaintiff for no rhyme and reason ostensibly about the prime minister being one of the followers of the plaintiff, it is clear that the said video inclines to bring down the plaintiff in the estimation of the ordinary people.
Plaintiff also said that Dhruv who produced a highly proactive and incendiary video that was widely shared on digital platforms, made bold and unwise choices. As a result, the defamatory statements made by Dhruv in the video severely damaged the plaintiff’s reputation, Dhruv’s false accusations have led to widespread condemnation and ridicule of the plaintiff, causing irreparable harm to his personal and professional life, stated the suit.
Delhi court issues summons to Dhruv Rathee in a defamation case filed by BJP leader Suresh Nakhua after Rathee allegedly called him a “violent and abusive” troll. Here are a few X screenshots of BJP Leader Suresh Nakhua 🧵👇🏽
— Mohammed Zubair (@zoo_bear) July 24, 2024
Suresh Nakhua also claimed that Dhruv Rathee is also engaged or involved in making habitual defamation, giving threats and ruining careers of fellow YouTubers by manipulating his audience, Nakhua asked to restrain Dhruv from posting, tweeting,publishing,creating or sharing any derogatory and harmful material on any online/ offline platforms regarding him or BJP.
A little about who Dhruv Rathee- he is an Indian YouTuber, vlogger and social media activist, he is known for his YouTube videos on political, social and environmental issues. As of June 2024 he has 28.7 million subscribers across all channels and 4.86 billion views.
Dhruv Rathee on X (Twitter) :
One abusive BJP uncle has filed a ₹20 Lakh court case against me because I called him abusive
Kyun itni bezati karane ka shaukh hai inko? Ab in uncle ki puri abusive history dobara public hogi 😂
— Dhruv Rathee (@dhruv_rathee) July 24, 2024
Dhruv Rathee @dhruv_rathee: one abusive BJP uncle has filled a ₹20 lakh court case against me because I called him abusive
Kyun itni bezzati karane ka shaukh hai inko? Ab in uncle ki puri abusive history dobara public hogi.