Amit Shah, Union Home Minister, has announced plans to set up multi-purpose Primary Agricultural Cooperatives (PACs) in approximately two lakh gram panchayats across India, lacking cooperative networks, within the next five years. This declaration was made during the Sahakar se Samriddhi program at Mahatma Mandir in Gandhinagar, commemorating the 102nd International Day of Cooperation.
जब 2029 में अंतरराष्ट्रीय सहकारिता दिवस मनाया जाएगा, तब देश में एक भी पंचायत ऐसी नहीं होगी, जहाँ पैक्स नहीं होगा।#SahkarSeSamriddhi
— Amit Shah (@AmitShah) July 6, 2024
Shah emphasized the importance of economic cooperation among cooperatives, urging district and state cooperatives to conduct financial transactions exclusively through cooperative banks, thereby strengthening the cooperative bank network. He praised the progress of pilot projects in Gujarat’s Banaskantha and Panchmahal districts.
The Central Government has initiated various measures to empower the cooperative sector, focusing on expanding the cooperative network to ensure viability. Additionally, Shah launched the Gujarat Government’s Special Assistance Scheme for farmers to purchase Nano Urea and virtually inaugurated Amul’s first organic store in Delhi. He also introduced Bharat organic Atta, produced by the National Cooperative Organics Limited (NCOL).
Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel appreciated the central government’s efforts in strengthening primary cooperatives and promoting technology in the cooperative sector. Union Minister of State for Cooperation, Muralidhar Mohol, and prominent cooperative sector leaders were present at the event.