In a bid to strengthen placement opportunities for the youth of Jamshedpur and surrounding rural areas, Ideal ITI Institute has launched a trade test center and an appointment cabin.
Apparently, the institute, which is affiliated by NCVT Delhi, has been operating effectively and, thus, performs to offer a better opportunity to the candidates. The institute has been making smooth placements for the youth due to its connection with several agencies it has acquired through Alfaaz Company.
Recognized trades that ITI provides training are fitter, electrician, and welder besides introducing a new trade in Finance Safety and HBSC Plant which is encouraging. The capacity of institute is to train 120 number of candidates for ITI and about 50 – 60 more candidates. The qualification is a minimum of matriculation standard.
Faiz sharif of Al Faiz Consultancy added to this opinion by stating that IT training in Ideal ITI helps the youth to get good jobs in DUBAI and other gulf countries with a package ranging from ₹ 35000 to ₹55000.