Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Wednesday said the state-of-the-art ‘Nishaan-e-Inquilaab’ plaza would ever inspire the youngsters for selfless service to the nation by perpetuating the life and philosophy of Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh.
Addressing the gathering after dedicating the plaza to people which houses a 30-ft bronze statue of an iconic martyr at the road leading to the international airport in Mohali, near here, the Chief Minister said the legendary martyr should not only be remembered only for his martyrdom day (March 23) or birthday (September 28) but he said he should be remembered every moment
He said this plaza, constructed at a cost of Rs 5 crore, will ever inspire the younger generations to follow in the footsteps of the great martyr and serve the country zealously.
Mann expressed hope that this plaza would act as a lighthouse for the visitors coming from within the country and abroad by apprising them about the role of the martyr.
The Chief Minister said due to efforts of the government, the Mohali airport has been named after Shaheed Bhagat Singh.
He said none of the previous government had bothered about naming this airport after a great martyr but after assuming the charge of office his government accorded top priority to it.
Mann said naming the airports, universities and other institutions in the name of these iconic martyrs is important to perpetuate their glorious legacy.
The Chief Minister said the government is leaving no stone unturned for cherishing the aspirations of the great martyrs. He said as per the aspirations of great nationalists, the government is duty-bound to ensure the progress of the state and the prosperity of its people.
Mann said the day is not far away when due to concerted efforts of the government, Punjab will soon emerge as a front-runner state in the country.
The Chief Minister said the government is committed to fulfilling every dream of Shaheed Bhagat Singh and carving out a harmonious and egalitarian society.
He said the hero of the freedom struggle had sacrificed his life at a young age to emancipate the country from the clutches of foreign imperialism.