Actor Ranvir Shorey, currently a contestant on Bigg Boss OTT 3, recently shared a rare and indirect reference to his past relationship with actor-director Pooja Bhatt, describing it as the biggest scandal of his life. During the episode, he also spoke about the challenging times he faced after his mother’s passing and how he struggled to cope with the loss.
Recalling his experience, Ranvir mentioned that he was filming Lakshya in Ladakh in 2002 when he received news of his mother’s deteriorating health. He was unable to leave the set until the shoot ended and later went to the US with his brother, where he pursued an acting course. During this time, he was also involved in a scandalous relationship with an actress, which he described as the biggest scandal of his life.
Ranvir and Pooja’s relationship had made headlines in the early 2000s, with Pooja accusing Ranvir of physical abuse and alcoholism. Ranvir denied the allegations, and the two eventually separated. Pooja had also participated in the previous season of Bigg Boss OTT.