Kolkata – The Trinamool Congress (TMC) is grappling with internal strife following the brutal rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor at Kolkata’s RG Kar Medical College and Hospital. The incident has not only put the party on the defensive but has also exposed a rift between West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and her nephew, the party’s General Secretary Abhishek Banerjee.
Disagreement Over Principal’s Transfer
The controversy intensified after the transfer of Dr. Sandip Ghosh, the former principal of RG Kar Medical College, which followed protests over the trainee doctor’s tragic death. Reports suggest that Abhishek Banerjee has distanced himself from the controversy, choosing not to participate in his aunt’s rallies and padyatras demanding swift action from the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which is currently handling the case.
Echoes of Past Political Conflicts
The differences between Mamata Banerjee and Abhishek Banerjee are reminiscent of past conflicts within the Communist Party of India (Marxist) regime. During that era, disagreements between leaders like Jyoti Basu and Promod Dasgupta were famously described as conflicts between the state government’s Writers’ Building headquarters and the party’s Alimuddin Street headquarters. Today, similar internal rifts are playing out between the government headquarters at Nabanna and Abhishek’s office at Camac Street.
Political Implications
The internal discord within the TMC comes at a critical time, as the party faces mounting pressure to address the public outcry over the trainee doctor’s death. The situation has raised questions about the party’s unity and its ability to effectively manage crises.
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