Jamshedpur, In a significant breakthrough, the Forest Department has arrested three individuals in possession of leopard bark in the Sonari police station area. The raid was conducted based on secret information received by the department about a person from Jamshedpur involved in a lucrative deal worth ₹10 crores for leopard bark.
Jamshedpur DFO Shaba Alam Ansari confirmed that the department had been receiving tips about the illicit trade for some time. Following the leads, officials conducted raids in the Sonari area, resulting in the seizure of leopard bark and the arrest of three individuals.
"Forest Department Arrests Three with Leopard Bark in Jamshedpur" pic.twitter.com/0d1JbdEwTP
— THE TIME PRESS (@thetimepress_) August 16, 2024
Further investigations have revealed that several others are involved in this leopard smuggling racket, and raids are being carried out to apprehend them. Jamshedpur Range Ranger Digvijay Singh stated that a team of forest department officials is working tirelessly to track down the mastermind behind this operation.
The Forest Department has warned that those involved in smuggling animal products will face severe consequences. The crackdown on leopard bark smuggling is part of the department’s efforts to protect wildlife and prevent illegal trade.
Report: Prem Kumar Srivastava
Camera person: Jaswinder Singh