Prem Kumar Srivastava
Jamshedpur, 7th August, 2024: The YI Social issue Cell’s Health Vertical of Young Indians Chapter, Jamshedpur arranged a seminar on the topic “The Menace of drugs and its consequences” on Tuesday at Kudi Mahanti Auditorium, Kadma. The event that was aimed at dancing competition in collaboration with Mrs. KMPM Vocational College attracted more than 300 students from different schools and colleges.
The chief guest DC Ananya Mittal discussed the fact that drug abuse cannot be stopped without the collective effort of family, society and the educational institutions. He also recalled his direct experience and recommended creating councils of students to avoid the use of psychoactive substances, as well as carrying out the campaigns against addiction in schools and colleges.
The panel discussion, “Addiction: “Dialogue with youth” featured other distinguished professionals comprising of S. Shariq Umar from branding and marketing background, Dr. Manoj Kumar Sahu from medicine Dr. Srikant Nair from AI and Dr. Nidhi Srivastava from Government service. They talked about the impact of drugs on health and psyche of individuals, role of incentives and creativity, and the necessity of increasing the effectiveness of communication with young people.
It also marked the inauguration of the Young Indians’ School to Say no- an initiative that seeks to educate the youth on the vice. campaign poster. DC Ananya Mittal appealed to the people especially to curb sale of drugs near schools and colleges and appealed to the students to dial 1933 to prevent.